Data Scanning & Conversion:

DataWorks team can scan documents, drawings, microfilms and photographs etc. DataWorks has a well furnished infrastructure equipped with high quality scanners, printers etc to handle huge voluminous data. We have successfully scanned millions of pages with almost all kinds of information from text, images, tables etc. for our clients with high quality output.

In addition to scanning, we process scanned images to deliver image based Print On Demand (POD) PDF. We are also experts in using OCR technologies to convert scanned images to editable texts and images to deliver MS Word files, HTML, XML, eBooks, PDF etc., DataWorks also provide custom field data capture based on demand and requirement.

DataWorks conversion team are well experienced in converting

  • Hard copy document to image PDF or searchable PDF.
  • Quark/InDesign/App File to XML/HTML5.
  • Word/PDF to XML/HTML5.
  • Penta to HTML/XML.
  • Image to Math ML.

We follow a well-defined workflow which validates the output at each stage and helps us deliver the output to meet the fullest expectation of our clients at and on par with industry standard quality rates of 99.999%. We ensure that the text, image qualities are maintained throughout our process. Our other value added services include:

  • DTD development.
  • DTD enhancement.